S4L Houston Veterans

Soldiers 4 Life Entertainment & Sports Management LLC is a Veteran Owned small business that will assist transitioning service members, military veterans and their families, by connecting them to critical information and needed resources to successfully re-enter into civilian society.

S4L will collaborate with strategic partners, sponsors and community leaders to execute a pilot program called the S4L Houston Veterans Resiliency Retreat.

This retreat will be a unique and thrilling experience in Downtown Houston Texas, during Columbus Day Weekend 2022. Our main goal is: Employ an effective veteran suicide awareness and prevention strategy.

We will also address the issue of veteran Homelessness, and strengthen Veterans employability. We will use a methodology which is rooted in the idea of the 8 Domains of Self-Care. (Environment, Spiritual, Physical, Psychological, Emotional, Social, Professional, and Financial).

We will enlist other veterans, family members and civilians as volunteers to build a Resiliency Brigade Task Force.

The Resiliency Brigade’s mission is to search, find, uplift and rescue any and all military veterans wherever they may be. We Leave No Veteran Behind! We link them up with true battle buddies , deploy certified sponsors, and use therapeutic equestrian psychotherapy, meditation, music and camaraderie to have a positive impact. We will focus on developing a positive mindset of individuals, families and communities in Houston Texas and beyond.

S4L Houston Veterans

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